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Hallelujah – The unintended song

bondzeal singing hallelujah

?Halle-le-le-le.  Halle-le-le-le. Halle-le-le-le. Hallelujah! ?

If you’ve ever been in a Love Economy Church service, or follow the 3one6 music label, then you definitely would have heard this wonderful tune.  

The Afrobeat Christian song “Hallelujah”, written and composed by Bondzeal. Is a catchy, easily relatable chant that encourages you to praise your maker. 

Bondzeal stated that he is believing God to touch the hearts of the brokenhearted so that all would give Him praise regardless of the circumstances. 

On how the song came about, “Hallelujah came about when Pastor Oti came to Madina Church (Now Thesaurus). He was preaching and I got inspired by the Holy Spirit to write a Thanksgiving song.“

“The Holy Spirit spoke about how some people have not been able to recognize how far He’s brought them. So there was no beat or rhythm to the song, as daddy was preaching I was also writing the lyrics at the same time which I believe was directly from God. I wrote most of the lyrics during that faithful service.” Bondzeal said. 

Indeed we need to praise God whenever and where ever we find ourselves. The breakthroughs of praise regardless of the situation, both in the Bible and in our world today point at the fact that praise is a powerful weapon and this song hands it to us freely and conveniently so that we can also unlock doors, break the shackles and shatter yokes

A truly inspiring feat. bondzeal dancing hallelujah

Hallelujah by Bondzeal is available on all digital platforms for streaming and downloading. 

The word Hallelujah has Hebrew and Greek roots. In Hebrew, the word is hallĕlūyāh and is translated ‘praise ye the Lord’. So the next time you shout Hallelujah in Church, remember the meaning so you can effectively praise the Lord.

We pray that the Holy Spirit ministers to you even as you worship and praise God, singing ?Hallelujah Halle Halle Halle Hallelujah Glory Hallelujah!?. Listen to the song here and feel free to burst out in praise to God. Look out for this song at this year’s One Life Jam.

